Saturday, May 30, 2020

LOOK BACK 20 Best JobMob Articles of 2013

LOOK BACK 20 Best JobMob Articles of 2013 33 These got the most views, the most buzz, the most shares, the most comments. Enjoy! Top 10 Most Popular New JobMob Articles of 2013 These articles were all blogged during 2013. The list is ranked according to pageviews in ascending order. i.e. 1) is the article that had the most views. Funny coincidence- like last year, almost half the list was contributed by guest bloggers. #3 is the one I'm most proud of, but #1 is my favorite in the list. 10) Top 100 Pinterest Boards for Job Searcheval Where to find the best job search resources on Pinterest. 9) $10000 in Prizes: The 7th Annual JobMob Guest Blogging Contesteval What you’ve come to expect: more prizes and the best prize packages of any blogging contest anywhere. 8) Sex, Facebook and 21 Things That Can Get You Fired I could say “buyer beware” but you’re not the buyer… 7) 3 Things You Must Say At Every Job Interview A few unique job interview tips to make you the one they want. 6) What’s New, Hot and Hidden on LinkedIn 3 LinkedIn features that you aren’t using enough of. 5) Top 50 Facebook Pages and Groups For Jobs in Israel in 2013 The best places on Facebook to look for jobs in Israel right now. 4) 8 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Hired (And How To Get Past Them) Are you your own worst job search enemy? 3) 444 Most Popular Job Interviewer Questions To Prepare Yourself With These sample job interview questions have all been asked many times, and will be again. 2) 175 Helpful Questions To Ask At A Job Interview Pick and choose from this list for your next interview. 1) 39 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work for Israelis Get inspired to make a beautiful Hebrew resume or CV that recruiters will remember. Top 10 Most Popular JobMob Articles Overall of 2013 These articles were simply the most visited, regardless of when they were first published. Whatever you do, don't miss #9 and #5! 10) The 25 Most Creative Designer Resumes You’ll See This Year A creative resume is a great way to stand out as a job candidate. Here are some inspiring resume designers that have been taking the art of creative resumes to new heights. Take a look. 9) 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes, Bloopers and Blunders Ever People write the strangest things on their resumes, sometimes downright hysterical. Why should only recruiting managers get to laugh at these? The Top 10 are at the bottom. Enjoy! 8) 60 Resume Achievement Writing Ideas and Expressions Here are 60 kinds of achievements that you might not be emphasizing enough on your CV or resume. 7) 38 More Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work Using the emotion of a beautiful resume will always help recruiters and managers remember you. Get inspired now with these great resume ideas. 6) 9 Tips for a Surprisingly Helpful Hobbies Interests Resume Section Why you might include the one resume section that most people don’t. 5) 117 Funniest Creative Job and Recruitment Ads The most creative and funny job ads that recruiters are using to get your attention. 4) 500 Positive Resume Action Verbs That Get Job Interviews Positive action verbs make your resume achievements sound even more impressive. Use this long list of action verbs to make your resume sizzle. 3) 123 Beautiful Personal Logos, Monograms and Wordmarks For Your Inspiration A personal logo or monogram is a great way to look professional. Here are over 120 designs to inspire you. 2) 130 Positive Personality Adjectives For Your Next Job Interview I asked you if you could describe yourself in one word. In anticipation of that personality-testing job interview question, here’s some adjective help that will also make you happier. 1) 36 Beautiful Resume Ideas That Work Make your resume stand out by using a beautiful design that most people have never seen before. Here are some terrific resume ideas to inspire you. Question of the article Which was your favorite? Tell us in the comments.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Resume Writing Challenges That Can Be Resolved

Resume Writing Challenges That Can Be ResolvedIf you have never considered yourself to be a writer, then you should consider yourself very lucky because you may very well have the ability to write your own resume and this can lead to some very lucrative opportunities in the future. Your chances of success will depend on how you tackle the challenges that are encountered by most people when they are trying to write their own resume. These challenges can be overcome by simply being persistent and determined. Here are some resume writing challenges that you can consider in your own career:Writing a resume that is focused towards an occupation that is not widely known by the public is one of the most difficult challenges that you will encounter when you are writing your own resume. Most people are not comfortable to reveal all about themselves to a potential employer and this could pose a huge hurdle for them. You should instead focus on what you are good at and focus on showcasing what you can do. You should not reveal any of your achievements in this field if you really want to grab the attention of potential employers.One important aspect of writing a resume is making sure that the information on it is accurate. This may sound too obvious, but it can actually be a challenge especially if you are not used to writing a resume. The following will help you avoid some common mistakes that you may be making while writing your own resume:If you are attempting to submit a resume with a large amount of information on it, you will need to make sure that it is all aligned properly and that the information you are placing in front of the employer is correct. You need to first define what you want the employer to learn about you before you start listing down the achievements you have made in your career.Grammar is perhaps the most important element of writing a resume but it is also a challenge. This challenge can be avoided if you use the latest writing software available a nd can also be overcome by learning how to proofread your resume.When you are creating your own resume, you should consider that your resume is an advertisement for yourself. You should take into consideration that potential employers will be looking for the same things that you are looking for, which is to be hired for a certain position in your chosen occupation.A resume must not only be a compilation of your achievements but must also be a successful communication tool that will be effective in conveying the message that you want to convey to the employer. It should be made up of your goals and the reasons why you are applying for the position. What are the things that the employer should look for in hiring you?Once you have managed to answer all these challenges, you should now begin the process of writing your resume. The challenge of writing a resume can be easily overcome if you choose to write a resume based on the needs of the job that you are applying for.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

3 Qualities to Drive Your Success - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

3 Qualities to Drive Your Success - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Upon watching a recent episode of the television show, Perception, I recognized the writers hit the nail on the head on how to reach success for anything your heart desires. My perception is of how these three qualities affect business. And all three are driving forces that enable success. 1. Ambition It will be difficult to achieve much of anything without ambition. Possessing the deep down desire to achieve a particular goal or set of goals will provide the motivation to do what it takes to succeed. The only caution is to maintain good judgment when it comes to doing “whatever it takes”. This takes into account the wide range of unscrupulous to altruistic behavior. It is up to each individual to decide their best route to achieve their ambitious dream. How you choose to proceed is in fact what will develop your personal brand. Prior to your next ambitious drive, take time to contemplate and then list all the ways in which you might achieve your goal(s). Next, prioritize the ones that appeal to you most. Prioritizing is not always easy. You may do it in terms of quick and easy steps, the most direct route, least expensive, or most appealing route to take. Time and money are always the constants that need to be taken into serious consideration. 2. Focus Once your plan is in place on how to proceed, focus is key. The expression “Always keep your eye on the ball” applies to getting the goal for all endeavors. Have a game plan in place each and every day. Once again prioritize all activity. At the end of each working week, create a schedule for the following week of “have-to” complete. Prior to each working day, create a list of “have-to” complete on a daily basis. Given income is usually a concern, begin with the biggest money making projects. These generally take more time to complete, so devote a specific amount of time each day to ensure completion in a timely manner. Keep a running list of tasks as you move forward. Cross out the items as you complete. This list becomes an additional motivating force to do more. By being methodical, your efficiency increases allowing you to accomplish more each day. It becomes as if you added more hours to the day. In turn your motivation to do more increases and your focus becomes keener than ever. 3. Persistence Persistence in business is a requirement on many levels. The negative thought of “bothering others” or “it’s of no use” will get you nowhere. But by adapting a willingness to learn from everyone around you in addition to self-help and formal education will provide you with the tools and a more direct route to accomplish your goals. Continual education, unwavering commitment to your projects, and following up with potentially interested others in a friendly style will all contribute to your success. Ambition, focus and persistence will assist you in developing a stronger business model and will lead you to the Smooth Sale! Author: Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, LLC, (800) 704-1499, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

10 Toxic Habits You Need To Break - Classy Career Girl

10 Toxic Habits You Need To Break We go through life in pursuit of meaning and happiness, trying and buying one thing after another in hopes that these things will give us the long-lasting happiness we all yearn to achieve. After all, isnt that what Aristotle said life is all about? Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Yet, many people struggle with finding it. You see, our lives are the sum of our habits. How healthy, happy, and successful we are today is a result of the things we do and think about every day. If you grew up to be someone who complains all the time, you’ve trained yourself to always focus on the negative side of things. More negative habits like this can collectively have adverse effects on your growth as a person. They are the reasons why you can never be truly happy no matter what you do, and they must be gotten rid of ASAP. Unfortunately, breaking bad habits is no easy feat. Just like how alcoholics and heavy smokers cant simply decide they want to quit drinking and smoking one day then instantly overcome their addiction, breaking bad habits is a long and hard process that requires strong self-control and willpowerâ€"but think of the liberating feeling you can finally enjoy once you let go of the things holding you down all along! The first step to breaking a bad habit is accepting it, and to accept it, you have to acknowledge it. Here are 10 toxic habits you might be doing and have to put an end to. The Road To A Happier, Healthier You: 10 Toxic Habits You Need To Break 1. Sweating The Small Stuff Stop worrying about things you can’t change. And if it’s something you have control over, do something about it. Seth J. Gillihan Ph.D., a professor in Psychology,  says “worry isnt worth what it can costâ€"tension, poor sleep, irritability, fatigue, problems concentrating, and general unhappiness. After all, most of what we worry about never happens.” 2. Wasting Unhealthy Amounts of Time Watching TV Shows and just about every other unproductive thing you do for hours on end. Don’t get too caught up that you start to compromise time that couldve been spent on the things that actually matter and the things that would contribute to your growth as a person. 3. Wasting Time on Toxic People Got a coworker that always gets on your nerves? A “friend” that holds you down instead of lifting you up? Your life is too precious to be wasted dealing with people who affect your life negatively and keeps you from the path to success. Find a way to cope with that coworker you can’t stand. Let go of people who don’t support you and appreciate you for who you are. Never settle for low-quality relationships just because you’re afraid to be alone. After all, when you rid yourself of toxic relationships, you are making way for better things to come. Surround yourself only with people who will encourage you and make you want to be a better person. 4. Not Taking Care of Your Body With the stressful lifestyle that comes with being an adult, many turn to smoking and drinking to cope. While they aren’t exactly harmful in limited amounts, when abused, they could lead to serious health consequences in the long run. Now is the time to break those habits. Your old self will be thanking you for it. Find other healthier ways to cope with stress instead.  5. Spending Long Hours Lurking on Social Media Spending too long looking at other people’s stories can negatively affect your emotional well-being and satisfaction in life. It will only leave you feeling depressed and think your life isn’t as exciting as theirs. You have your own life to liveâ€"go out and live it instead of comparing it with others’. No one’s life isn’t really what it seems to be on social media anyway.  6. Using Your Phone Before Bedtime Studies have shown that the light from our mobile devices has a high concentration of blue light which affects levels of sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and can mess up your body clock, making it harder for you to sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep at night makes you a grumpy person in the morning! 7. Always Saying “Yes” Stop trying to please everyone else. It’s okay to do things for the sake of others, but not to the point where it becomes detrimental to your own well-being. Learn to make decisions you’re comfortable with, not what you think will be good for other people. As Savannah Marie said, “If you want to change how you live your life, start by making your own decisions.” 8. Always Looking for Something or Someone to Blame Stop blaming the universe, your god, your friend, and everyone else for all the misfortunes you experience. It doesn’t mean everything bad that happens to you is your fault. It just means you need to take responsibility for what happens in your life. After all, what’s happening in your life right now is the result of your past decisions. Make the best of what you have and stop complaining that others have it better than you do. Every person you meet is fighting their own battle.  9. Constantly Putting Things Off We’re all guilty of putting things off from time to time. It may be because we’re not in the mood, or we’re too scared to do something that we delay doing them for as long as we can. However, avoiding these tasks will only heighten your fear and undermine your confidence in doing the task. Turning procrastination into a habit can hinder you from achieving true happiness and success. Laziness is another story, but it’s also another habit that hinders you from achieving your goals. Go to the doctor. Make that phone call. Give your room that makeover you’ve been thinking about for months. Go see that movie you’ve had in your browser bookmark since last year. Start with the little things, and soon enough you’ll be adapting the habit and mindset of doing things NOW. You’ll be surprised how a simple change in behavior can change your life. 10. Living in Your Comfort Zone Successful people didn’t get to where they are because they sat around and waited for things to be handed to them. Stop talking yourself down. Ask that coworker you’ve been eyeing for long out. Quit that job you’ve been keeping because it’s “stable” and pursue your real passion. As Blair Waldorf once said, “Destiny is for losers. It’s a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” Popular belief states that it takes 21 days to break a habit, but experts argue in recent studies that “there’s no typical time frame for breaking a habit, and the right recipe is going to be a mix of personality, motivation, circumstances, and the habit in question.” Apparently, people who willingly want to break a habit for their own good can change their behavior faster than those that are only doing it due to pressure from others. Old habits die hard, but don’t let the challenge discourage you. In the end, you’re doing this for yourself. Aren’t you excited for the happiness that awaits you?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Resume Writing Services Can Help With Your Insurance Policy

Resume Writing Services Can Help With Your Insurance PolicyThe best way to make sure you will get a good insurance policy is to find an insurance company that can give you a decent quote for your policy. An insurance writer can make this process a lot easier and give you the quotes you need.There are many insurance companies that offer these services. You simply have to ask around to find the best rates on quotations. Keep in mind that some quotes will be given for free while others will be charged a service fee.Insurance companies can help you with your questions or concerns as well. It's important to let them know everything you can about your plan so they can develop an accurate quote for you. Make sure to keep all documentation in a safe place.Another thing you need to do before submitting your resume is to make sure the company needs your information. Check with the state to see if they require a mandatory form. Many states require an application form as well as a copy of your b irth certificate or other important documents.The best insurance companies offer you the best quotes. It's important to always make sure to get the most accurate quote possible. Always ask to see a copy of the quote before you sign on the dotted line.A good insurance agent will be very patient when it comes to answering any questions or concerns you may have. Remember, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients to provide accurate information. Keep in mind that you are entitled to receive your insurance policy only after you've received a quote.A resume writing services can be used to help secure your insurance policy. These services can be used to help complete the application process. An insurance agent will be able to help answer any questions you may have about the process.Finding an insurance company that you can trust is important. This way you won't have to spend a lot of time doing research or trying to find a reputable company. A resume writing service can be use d to help make sure you will receive a fair quote on your insurance policy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Job candidate background checks Know your rights

Job candidate background checks Know your rights As the general population continues to surge, the number of Millennials and new college graduates entering the workforce is exploding. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) projects that 1.8 million students will graduate with a bachelors degree in 2015. In addition to the nearly two million grads this year, millennials officially surpassed Generation X to become the largest share of the American workforce, coming in at 53.5 million. To better enable this population, employment opportunities programs are starting up, like Starbucks Coffee’s 100,000 Opportunities Initiative. The goal is to provide employment opportunities to this growing, yet often marginalized, group. With new positions and career tracks opening up, it’s important for this emerging workforce to understand their rights as candidates regarding background checks. I recently connected with Chris Dyer, CEO and founder ofPeopleG2, to discuss the ever-changing laws dealing with background checks for job candidates. We also talked about how this new and growing demographic of young job candidates can navigate the hiring process and protect their rights. “In general, consumers and candidates are becoming very savvy about their rights,” Mr. Dyer says. “It’s more apparent with the flurry of Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) class action lawsuits, which rose 26.8 percent in the last year, according to theConsumer Financial Protection Bureau. But even with increased awareness, there are tens of millions of millennials who aren’t up to speed.” Job candidates need to know about these six important legal rights: 1. Applicants should receive a copy of A Summary of Your Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law to regulate how a person’s information is used by consumer reporting agencies. The summary is pretty straightforward but if you don’t get a copy from the potential employer, there are complete reports available here. 2. A potential employer is required to obtain a release form to run a background check The release form should include the name and contact information of the company running the background check. The candidate should keep a copy of this form, including all contact information, for any future questions or updates. 2. Candidates have a right to ask for a copy of their completed background check report It’s a really good idea for the candidate request a copy to review and ensure all data is accurate and up to date. If anything inaccurate is on the report, take action immediately to rectify the errors, even if they are minor inaccuracies. To do this, the candidate can contact the background checking company directly to assist with corrections. It’s not easy to predict what an employer will or won’t consider as a disqualifier. 3. Always ask why you weren’t accepted for a position The potential employer must disclose to the candidate if they didn’t hire them because of something they found on the background check. If the denial is based on something from your background check, there are options for countering the decision directly with the employer or with the background checking company. You can then rectify any errors or at least explain to the employer the issues they presented. 4. Potential employers are legally required to send a candidate a Pre-Adverse Action Letter The letter must inform the candidate that an adverse action may be considered based on items found during the background check. An Adverse Action informs you that you have been denied employment based on information in your background check. It should include the agency used to run your background check and the agencys contact information. This is very important because it provides you a 5-day window (state regulations may vary from 5 days, but 5 days is the legal minimum) to counter any discrepancies and correct any errors. The background checking company then has a minimum of 30 days to investigate any disputed information. After the 5 days, if nothing is disputed and changed, then the potential employer must provide the candidate with an Adverse Action letter or notice. 5. Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information Be sure to keep all of your personal information current and correct. This includes maintaining a good credit score and a clean driving record, and working to remove any criminal infractions from your background. Get in touch with the reporting agency immediately if there are errors or data that need updating. For the millions of incoming candidates navigating employment opportunities and entering the workforce, Dyer says, “Be prepared! Even employers can be dismissive of your rights and in some cases the local laws, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and always be your own advocate.”

Friday, May 8, 2020

Sound Career Paths Jobs in Music - CareerAlley

Sound Career Paths Jobs in Music - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Music is a powerful marvel that can cut through cultural differences and continues to bring the world closer together. The phenomenon of music is described as a form of sound art that is governed by the elements of melody, pitch, harmony, and rhythm. It is also associated with the qualities of articulation, tempo, meter, texture, and timbre. There are varying definitions of music from country to country and culture to culture, but it is largely agreed that music is a pleasant sound with the effect of enhancing the mind and lifting it to a higher plain of experience. The word music comes from the Greek word mousike and is translated as art of the muses. Today, millions wish to walk in the footsteps of the ancient muses and make music their primary focus and career. There are dozens of vocations within the sphere of music that ranges from those that are considered more informal such as disc jockeys, to those that are deemed high art such as an orchestra conductor or composer. The following is a look into some music careers that helps keep this sound phenomenon alive and bring harmony to our lives. Disc Jockey A disc jockey is also commonly known as a DJ or a deejay. Since music is an integral part of our lives, the need for a disc jockey is always great. In short, a disc jockey is the life of a party, function, or of a specified airwave. Djs play music at functions or on radio stations to entertain the crowd or audience. Their music is fashioned according to the persons listening and most DJs have a wide repertoire of songs that they design to suit the audience present. In some instances, disc jockeys are known for playing one particular type of music or blending a few styles into their unique variety. These entertainment experts can play anywhere music is required, such as weddings, birthday celebrations, social gatherings, award ceremonies, community events, and parties. At such functions, a DJ can choose to build excitement in the crowd by interacting with them in-between spinning music. To be a successful disc jockey, an individual should have an in-depth knowledge of several genres of music and be up to date with the current trends in the industry. The person should also have the skill to choose the appropriate songs based on the type and needs of the client, the occasion, and the venue. A good disc jockey will know how to mix different music types to keep the music flowing for long periods. Orchestra Director Sometimes called a conductor, an orchestra director is the music professional who guides an orchestra throughout its performance. The orchestra director ensures that the musicians are both interpreting the musical score correctly, and uses hand signals and body language to let the orchestra members know when it is time to emphasize a particular part of the song. The orchestra director also helps ensure there is harmony and unity of movement within the orchestras performance. Outside of the actual performance of the orchestra, the orchestra director chooses appropriate scores in keeping with the orchestras abilities, and might make adjustments to scores to create a special arrangement for his group of players. The orchestra director also acts as manager of the group and is responsible for scheduling rehearsals, as well as heading those rehearsal sessions. A director also works to plan and build the orchestras repertoire and helps the group to develop artistically and professionally A successful orchestra director is both skilled and educated in the field of music. Usually such a professional will have several degrees in music, including postgraduate degrees in music and conducting. Generally an orchestra director will have knowledge of a broad range of musical instruments and will be able to play one or a number of musical instruments. They will also have a good ear for music, be able to sight-read scores, and be familiar with the history of music and the music industry as a whole. Good leadership skills are also important, as this person will need to effectively communicate with, and motivate musicians. An orchestra director must also have a great knowledge of self and body language, as they would need to have an impressive stage presence and bring a measure of austerity and importance to the performance of the orchestra. Music Teacher It can be said that music teachers are the creators of many musical careers and perhaps are even responsible for the continuity and ongoing presence of music worldwide. A career as a music teacher can touch on one or several areas of a range of musical fields. In that regard, music teaching can include instrument instruction, vocal coaching, and music theory instruction. The training and education to become a music teacher greatly depends on the type and level of music instruction in which the individual will be involved. Firstly, for any career in music the person must be musically proficient, having gone through the stages of theoretical and practical aspects of music and gained appropriate certifications in all areas. If the music teacher intends to teach in a school, then they will require, in addition to a teaching certificate, a degree in music. Producer A producer, specifically a record producer, works in a music-recording studio to produce the perfect sound for the recordings of a band or artist. This person is expected to bring a special ear to song recording and have insight into what the audience expects or wants to hear. The producer can also be involved in arranging or writing parts of the music track. A producer can either be employed by a studio or be an independent producer. An in house producer will be paid a fee by the studio and will be representing the policies of the studio as part of his/her job. An independent producer has more leverage with his/her career and income, as will be dealing directly with a band or the bands label. Some producers begin experimenting at home in makeshift studios and are discovered by the mainstream industry. Other producers begin at entry-level jobs in studios and work their way up to the position by showing skill and creativity in the profession. However a producer begins, the job requires musical proficiency, wide based knowledge of different music genres, general musical savvy, self confidence, and above all a good work ethic. Author Bio Ryan Delany is a writer who creates music related articles. In this article, he wishes to explain career paths in this field and encourage further study with a Masters Degree in Music Education. This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Visit me on Facebook